Friday, June 5, 2009


与世隔绝了几天, 才知道有书展.
算算, 好向没有机会去了. 求爸爸不如求妈妈.
而妈妈最厉害就只会在PUCHONG兜来兜去, 最远就是回娘家.
那种是不用认路的, 回了十多年自然会的路, 一旦换了就不会走.

就算去了也不会买书的我, 好象很没有意义.
没办法, "节俭是一种美德" 虽然我很故寒.

希望不要换班... 没想到我竟然有今天,
会担心这种事, 一个芝麻GREENBEAN 的事.
真的没心情去适应环境, 只想好好考完PMR.
就会有种卸下重任的感觉. 还好妈妈没有给我压力.
没有压力又好像没有冲力, 害到我酱懒, 根本没有UPSR那时的
那股冲动力. 无药可救了,

试问: 几时收拾心情呢?
天长地久有时尽, 此恨绵绵无决期.

后记: 草坪请找出本 "班长与副班长" 的文言文, POST一下.


Wednesday, June 3, 2009


考试过了, 一点也不觉得轻松.
第一次感到MD&YC 有重大的威胁性.
因此我决定自我放纵一星期, 舒展压力, 自干堕落.
弟弟的POKEMON漫画我也照杀, 每天逛街, 每天减肥,
要是我不在3A, 我每天的生活也应该会是如此吧! 痛快! 痛快!

下个星期应该做功课了, CUTI TERANCANG
丝毫不动, 灰尘3层高.
除了钢琴与电脑, 其他时间就是看电视, 懒很多, 提不起劲.
是否有种疾病叫"假期恐惧感" 及" 考试后暴饮暴食"?呢?



jz like they said, my hse really doesn't look perfect. well, the worst thing is my living room is all-most japanese's style, we sit on cushion or jz on the floor. at first, we did enjoy it a lot, as it was a brand new thing tat normal ppl wouldn't get a chance to try~~~ ^^

i do miss my crimson sofa last time. dad promise to get a new one soon and he did. this was his fastest action ever since he got married. haha. probably he was tired too, enjoying the japanese style tat was no more "new" to us. and i am big enuf to give opinion while my bro still remain silence since he havent reach his "puberty". i spot many big comfy sofa tat i used to see in md's hse. but we jz need a small and cute one for my simple hse. sad.

thinking of my coffin-colour wardrobe i was dreaming of a new white cupboard. the problem is dad cant keep his word so i had to beg mum. ( dad always listen to what mama says, and i guess so, for all the men in this world, perhaps?)

the man serve us was a thin man in klang, speaking in mandrin but with hokkien accent. mum was glad like she found her old kampung friend. they started to speak hokkien and dad need a translator so much. me, as sillly as my mum does, always understand what she say. jz like this:
MAN: 随便看看, 楼上还有大套的.
MUM: 是吗? 几时生?
i was laughing but the man, bro and dad remain dumb and i like that idiotic face they had at the moment.( try tat in cantonese and u will noe) is not tat funny then we used to joke in skul but i enjoy the 3 lines in they expression.

by time, it should be tmr i will get my sofa. god bless me i can have a new wardrobe. but i guess not~~